Enabling Wholistic Wellbeing for humanity, one person at a time
by Sunny Gurpreet Singh
“The time spent soul searching is not lost. It prepares you for what your real
life purpose is, it shapes you, and it shapes your character”.
My name is Sunny Gurpreet Singh, and I created and lead the organizations Edifecs and RoundGlass. Both of these companies deal with health, technology, and wellbeing.
Edifecs: I created Edifecs when I realized that my professional wellbeing would necessarily involve running my own company, instead of working for a corporation. I was, and I still am, a corporate misfit. Thinking outside the box is my forte.
When I launched the company in 1996, I set some ambitious goals: no venture capitalists and no debt, but instead, growth and profit every year. Even though we went through a difficult period around the 2000’s, in the end, my goals were achieved.
Edifecs helps improve the ways health-care organizations manage and leverage the information they exchange. It also streamlines and automates manual business processes such as enrollment, claims and payments management. This results in greatly reduced administrative costs and on-target regulatory compliance without the risk, time and cost of replacing existing IT infrastructure.
RoundGlass: I created RoundGlass because I discovered how important living by the Wholistic Wellbeing principles is. It centres me. It grounds me. It makes me more productive.
RoundGlass is a global Whole + Holistic Wellbeing = Wholistic Wellbeing company dedicated to empowering and enabling people on their personal wellbeing journey. My mission with RoundGlass is simple, yet ambitious: to inspire people to embrace a life of Wholistic Wellbeing to create a happier, healthier, and more joyful world. We work to achieve this by investing in and developing new technology, sharing knowledge, and focusing on action for the good of the individual, community, and the wider world.
I treat RoundGlass as my North Star. The North Star is the anchor of life. The North Star is a landmark, or sky marker, that helps all of us who follow it determine direction. The North Star glows brightly to guide and lead one towards a purposeful journey. In geography, the North Star is the northern sky. In my life, the North Star is Wholistic Wellbeing.
The universe has been kind to me; I achieved some major benchmarks in life that offered me a special position to be able to do what I love. Thus, through my work for RoundGlass, I decided to give back what I received.
I found that my Wellbeing had to be addressed in my mind, body and spirit, and nothing in the market was providing that for me. I found that the idea of Wholistic Wellbeing was the right way to achieve that and to help others; this drives me everyday.
Wholistic Wellbeing makes you feel better; it is all about becoming a better person, mentally, emotionally, and physically.
RoundGlass has a unique vision, where our culture’s underpinnings are based on the core values of wellbeing, and our commitment to enabling wellbeing for humanity, one person at a time. RoundGlass is a journey, a journey of life; showing people how to live a life that is centered, uncluttered, in harmony, and without the unnecessary pressures of ‘the chase’ that we find most people in. So many of us lose our way in life, clutter our mind, and move off center; RoundGlass brings you home to yourself.
RoundGlass is a way to implement a concept of living. Using RoundGlass is a way of ‘getting yourself centered again’ and ‘uncluttering your life’. RoundGlass’ effort to charter new territories with deeply thought-out evidence based Wholistic Wellbeing solutions are unique to the market of wellbeing.
I discovered Wholistic Wellbeing in my 40’s, when my body started to show signs of hard work. By that time, I achieved life success in the conventional sense, turning my healthcare company Edifecs from a struggling to a fast-growing business. I learned that hard work is counter-intuitive to personal wellbeing. Smart work along with incorporating wellbeing practices, is what brings you exponential growth.
Through my journey of self-actualization, I uncovered many ancient practices that enhanced my levels of wellbeing. I am passionate about bringing them to you. Starting my day with wellbeing practices have proven to support my ability to live and navigate better the day and any challenges it poses. Every time I take a break to do a wellbeing practice, my awareness, faculties, and decision-making abilities increase. On the other side of the spectrum, wholistic sleep rituals enable a better quality of sleep.
Companies are seeking Wholistic Wellness plans because health plans are falling short. Today, a company without a good health plan is at a disadvantage, in the future, the same will be true for companies without Wholistic Wellbeing plans.
These days, which ‘Health plan’ provides Wholistic Wellbeing benefits? The average person spends 90,000 hours of their life working. Does that take into account our personal wellbeing, our personal happiness? At the moment, the answer is, regrettably, no.
Corporation leaders must remember that no matter how good the captain is, without the right crew, the ship is not going anywhere. Carry and care for your crew. It is imperative for every leader to have the wellbeing of their employees at the center of their leadership.
I believe in the potential of human beings to better their lives. RoundGlass works towards unleashing that potential in each one of us. My whole life was to prepare me for RoundGlass, it was my destiny. To the extent the universe lets me, I will do that work, and inspire others.
For all the problems in the world, I find Wholistic Wellbeing to be the answer.
The RoundGlass journey is to keep exploring boundaries of Wholistic Wellbeing. As we discover them, we bring them to you.