Financial Wellbeing through giving
It’s important that we demystify the role of Financial Wellbeing in our overall Wholistic Wellbeing. A notion often wrongly derided as obtuse, Financial Wellbeing is as essential to our own health as it is to the health of society. In other words: the Financial Wellbeing of others is as important as our own.
Living in an era of history where human beings are more connected to one another than ever before, thanks to cheap travel and accessible telecommunications, we can no longer think of ourselves as individuals separate from everyone else. Therefore, we need to think of our preoccupations as shared concerns rather than private matters. Indeed, we are never alone in our financial preoccupations. Similarly, Financial Wellbeing is far easier to find when we work together.
Indeed, no fortune is ever the result of a solo effort: whether you have inherited family money, or become a successful entrepreneur, or even won the lottery, you have people to thank in each scenario. Financial Wellbeing is never yours alone; so it’s only natural that we should feel collective concern for it and regard it as a mutual — and mutually beneficial — ambition.
That’s why giving is so essential to Financial Wellbeing: not only does it help others, but it feeds and nurtures our soul through the positivity embedded in an act of kindness. This makes us happier and more balanced, and therefore in a better position to cultivate Financial Wellbeing. Generosity begets generosity. Financial Wellbeing begets itself.
If you are economically comfortable, you have a duty of care to the less fortunate. Financial security is fleeting and many kind and generous people, through no fault of their own, may fall on hard times.
Financial Wellbeing also gives you the opportunity to make your own home a comfortable place. It allows you to buy and place things in your environment that not only look beautiful, but also bring peace and calm to your world. It allows you to play host to all those around you. “Welcome and entertain them all!’” said the Persian poet Jalaluddin Rumi in his famous poem, “‘The Guest House.”
Plant a seed through giving: your life will be so much richer when you include others.